Here at Simplify in Style, we recently listened to an enlightening podcast from the Life School Podcast titled, Throw Away your to-do List with Brooke Castillo. From the name of it, it sounds like a way to be less structured or brush off tasks, when in reality, it is a way to get them done more efficiently and to increase your productivity each week. We all want that, right? This episode got us thinking about our own never ending, always chaotic, to-do lists as busy moms, employees, business owners, etc.
There is a misconception that planning our day creates a high level of structure that many do not want to commit to, or FEEL like they cannot commit to with so many responsibilities and unexpected changes. In reality, planning your life and day creates freedom. It takes away the overwhelm and you are no longer in reactive mode, constantly working from a never ending “to-do” list.
There is a lot of pressure on women, and Moms in 2019 – we are supposed to want it all, have it all, accomplish it all, be everything to everyone. We are all so busy riding a stationary bike because we won’t take the appropriate measures to stop, fill up the car, and get in – so that we can go faster and further.
So what does this look like? How do we do this? How do we ACTUALLY get off the stationary bike of and into a faster car?
Let’s break it down into 3 action steps…
1.) Complete a ‘To-Do” Download
This can be done on Sunday nights, Monday mornings, etc…but you are going to write down everything thing you want to do and have to do and even what would you WISH you would do, that week. This list should include more than just work or professional tasks – this should include family, personal, friends, vacation things…anything you need, have or want to do that is filling up space in your brain. Fill up your paper. Empty it out. Leave nothing behind in that brain.
I really like to do this on Sunday nights when the kids are already in bed. If I wait until Monday morning, chances are there will be a child pulling on me, preventing me from thinking clearly and getting this done. I include everything from “write blog post, email client, edit photos” to “grocery shop, send check to grandma, get nail fixed, etc.” Anything that is something I have to do, I get down on paper and out of my brain.
One huge tip for this download, is to create categories – so there is less madness to the brain dump. Examples could be HOME, WORK, BUSINESS, KIDS, PERSONAL, FAMILY – then list your to-do’s under these categories.
2.) Write Down Obstacles
Next, you are going to write down any obstacles that are preventing you from getting these items done. An obstacle can be anything that blocks you from accomplishing something in your life. What is it in your life that you are struggling with that prevents you from getting what you want? Do this each week and again whenever you feel stressed or too busy.
Some examples could be; lack of childcare, lack of resources, lack of knowledge, figuring out how to complete a task. You then need to add the things you need to do to get rid of these obstacle to the “to-do download.” For example, reach out/hire a babysitter, reach out to the room mom, find time for conference, learn how to do XYZ, etc. If we don’t get rid of these obstacles, we will never complete everything we want to accomplish.
3.) Prioritize list
Finally, we are going to prioritize this list and then get it put into a calendar format. What if I don’t know how long something will take? Give yourself a certain amount of time to get something done and then finish it. You control how long it’ll take – there are no other options. You’re not going to want to do some of the things on the calendar when the time comes. BUT If you follow calendar, then you get your scheduled free time, which we know is often seen as a thing of the past, once we have kids.
Plan your free time into the calendar with everything else you have to accomplish. Your reward for actually following the calendar is to enjoy your free time (that you planned ahead of time) instead of letting your work, your kids, your boss, and things you need to accomplish spill over into that time. When you do this process for at least 6 weeks, you’ll start eliminating urgent things. You can begin to stay calm and stop panicking. When you do this, it actually energizes you.
A few final reminders….
- Break things you really don’t want to do, into smaller steps and schedule them, instead of getting overwhelmed.
- Learn how to honor yourself and then when you execute you honor the gratification.
- Self confidence will go through the roof once you honor commitments.
- Learn how to overcome urges – they are your “toddler” brain.
- Repeat after me, “I trust myself because I know what I’m going to do.”
- When you treat yourself in such reverence, you won’t let anyone else treat you any other way.
- When you make decisions ahead of time, you’re more likely to complete them. Make decisions before urges come.
- You can take all of these tools and apply them to other areas of your life.
- Adjust your schedule for emergencies only.
- Live a deliberate life – work less and you’ll be more efficient.
Tell us – are you a “list person?” A “calendar person?” Throw away that to-do list and work from that calendar for a more deliberate and efficient life. Let us know if you put this into practice!