Bargains and Buyouts: Cincinnati’s Store For Funiture On A Budget

Budget friendly furniture from Bargains and Buyouts Cincinnati, OH

Thank you to Bargains & Buyouts for sponsoring this post. All content and opinions are my own. To read my full disclosure policy, please click here. If you are local to Cincinnati and haven’t heard of Bargains and Buyouts, you are truly missing out.  I recently attended a blogger event at the store and cannot […]

A New Name and New Changes

You may have noticed the little “facelift” the blog recently received. A new name, new faces, and new ideas! I am so excited to introduce to you the new Simplify in Style. The thing I love most about organizing is the final product. Not only do I want the system to work for you, I […]

A DIY Playroom: Creative Board Game Storage

When I started this project, the room was basically empty. The goal was to create a playroom for my client’s grandchildren that was fun, but also slightly sophisticated.  I was very excited for this project because not only was I organizing the space, but also designing and styling the room as well.  I love to […]