Whether you are a stay at home mom or a working mom, I am willing to bet you are a BUSY mom! I know what it feels like to wonder, “Where did the time go?” and, “How am I ever going to get everything done?” One thing I have learned, especially as a mom,  is that the more organized you are, the more time you have for other things.  You spend less time looking for things and getting things done around the house because everything has a place. When you are organized you also have less stress. You plan ahead and sometimes you are even prepared for the unexpected. Now, am I saying that every day will go smoothly and you will never have stress in your life? ABSOLUTELY NOT! You have kids remember. Things never go as planned. But, creating a routine will help you and your family stay organized.  Here are some things to keep in mind when thinking about your routine.

Delegate Tasks

You are not superwoman (although you are VERY close, you are a mom)! There is no way you can get everything done yourself and still have time for your children and family. That’s ok. Start to delegate tasks to other family members. This is especially helpful with older children.   I even give my toddlers chores or tasks to complete.

Don’t Over Schedule

I am not telling you to schedule every minute or even every hour of your day. The idea is that if you are organized you will have more time for playing with your children or spending time with family. Think about if you will do all your cleaning on one day, or if you will do a little each day. try both and see which way works best. 

meal planning grocery list

Be a Planner

This can be a hard one for some people. Try it for 2 weeks, and see if you notice a difference. I can almost bet you won’t go back to your old ways.

1.  Plan out your meals for the week.

This doesn’t have to mean Monday: chicken Tuesday: fish, etc. Just think of a few dishes you would like to have that week. Jot them down along with the ingredients you need for each. Do a quick inventory of your pantry and fridge. This is super easy if that area is also organized 😉 ! Which leads me to grocery shopping… schedule a time for this. Try to make it only once a week. If you are running to the store every night, that is wasted time.  If you don’t want to do the planning. Try googling meal planning services. There are a ton out there, and they aren’t too expensive. They also have many dietary options to choose from.

2. Plan out your kid’s clothes.

If they are old enough, have them do this themselves.  You can even go as far as setting out the clothes for the week (ahem…overachiever)! While you are at it, set out your clothes for the next day. Save yourself as much time in the morning as you can.  You know there are always those mornings that you are running late because someone is refusing to eat their breakfast, or the baby just spit up (all over you) for the third time.  These are things you can’t plan for, but if you are prepared for the morning, you will have time to spare for these unexpected mishaps.

3. Lunches

This is a big one.  Whether it is your lunch, or your kids, pack it ahead of time.  The night before is best. Again, you never know what is going to happen in the morning, so be prepared.  Try not to make this a daunting task.  Create a lunch making station. Put all your snacks in an easy to grab basket in the pantry. When you come home from the grocery pre packing the snacks that come in a large bag like pretzels, goldfish etc. Take the grapes off of the stems and wash them so you can quickly grab a handful. The more you prepare ahead of time, the more time you save when you are completing the task. Again, if your children are older delegate tasks. Share the responsibility. Make it fun. Make an assembly line, have a dance party while you pack, do whatever it takes to make this task a little easier.

4. Kid’s Homework/Papers

Pack backpacks, check homework, sign papers the night before. I can’t stress it enough not to leave these things for the morning.  I promise, you won’t have time.


Establish a Morning/Bedtime Routine for the Kids

I’m sure you have a routine that you stick to as you get ready in the morning and as you get ready for bed. Your kids should have one also.  I love this simple printable by Jen from iheartorganizing for the little ones.  You can grab your free printable here.  Print this off and use it as a checklist. Have your children check the pictures and see what they need to do next.  Your older children should also have a routine.  This could also include unpacking their pack back when they get home from school.

Do a Quick Clean Up Each Night

This will save you so much time.  Before the kids go to bed at night, have them clean up all toys, backpacks, homework, etc. Then before you go to bed, do a quick sweep of the house. Take a laundry basket with you if you need it, and pick up everything that isn’t where it belongs. Then empty that basket.  Put everything away, do a quick wipe down of the kitchen counters, etc. This shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes.  It will save you so much time and stress the next day. you will wake up to a clean home and you won’t have to worry about when you are going to get to it.

Want help creating a personalized routine for your family? Contact me here to get started.

6 Responses

  1. As I am taking on a new role of working from home, I can completely relate to do needing a routine and plan for every aspect of our life!

    1. Working from home definitely has it’s advantages, but having a routine is crucial. I am much more productive on my work from home days when I have a plan and have systems already set up.

    1. Hi Monica! Feel free to fill out my contact form and we can chat about how I can help!